Posts in Life
Eco friendly cleaning

Dat het niet zo heel goed gaat met het milieu dat moge duidelijk zijn. Aangezien dit de planeet is met al mijn spullen en waar ik het best gezellig heb met Johann is het tijd om na te denken: wat kan ik doen om het milieu te ontlasten? Zo kan iedereen een steentje bijdragen.

En om gelijk maar iets heel erg raars toe te geven: ik ben dol op schoonmaakfilmpjes kijken op YouTube. Ik weet dat het heel raar is maar ik word er heel rustig van.

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How to make a book part 4

Throughout the book-creating process you will be sending pictures and written pieces to the editor, who will see whether you’re still on the right track. This means they won’t only be looking at the recipes themselves, but also at the explanations of certain special ingredients, how the recipes work, how import it is to be aware that every oven works differently in each recipe (and how the seasons have an effect on this as well), and your word of thanks.

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How to make a book part 3

Yes indeed. You are now looking at a 5-layer chocolate peanut butter cake, and it isn’t for the faint-hearted. But how do you develop a recipe for a cake like this in the first place? I will list all of our tips for you below. And if you have any further questions, just let us know.

Coming up with new recipes is truly something else. For food-themed magazines or whenever a celebrity wants to make a cook book, recipe developers are often employed. It’s important that a recipe isn’t just delicious, but also clearly written.

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How to make a book part 2

So, you’ve managed to not mess up the meeting with you publisher too badly, and have brought a cake that hasn’t been partially eaten by your pet. Good! You’ve now successfully passed through the first phase. In the second phase, the publisher will make some changes to your proposal and finally agree to it, and will also look at your advance payment, the production costs, and royalties.

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How to make a book part 1

Welcome to our new blog series: “How to make a book”. The cook book market has been a successful one here in The Netherlands for a while now. I think everyone has at least one book by Jamie Oliver or Yotam Ottolenghi on their bookshelf at home. And for all the Dutchies, a good book by Yvette van Boven has almost become obligatory to own. But how exactly do you write such a book?

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A vegan Christmas dinner

Wij nemen heerlijk een paar weken vrij om kerst te vieren, op vakantie te gaan maar eerlijk gezegd ook om nu eens dat e-book af te maken ( je kunt NU nog je suggesties in sturen), ons huis te schilderen en om te werken aan nieuwe ideeën voor Food Bandits. We zijn erg blij dat onze blog terug is en verheugen ons erg op de nieuwe serie: 'Een introductie voor vegan en glutenvrij bakken' ( moet nog een kortere naam, maar wat?) en we hopen meer tijd te maken voor video's en online workshops.

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