Posts tagged een goed verhaal
Breakfast cake

This recipe is a true Food Bandits classic. Make this recipe once and you won’t be able to stop. It’s so easy, so delicious and is forgiving when you make a mistake. On top of that, this cake is my cat Lola’s favourite. When we were invited by our publisher to talk about our (at that time potential) book Andere Koek, Lola had already started munching on this cake, meaning we were forced to show up empty handed. Thankfully, Claire trusted Lola’s judgement completely and we got the publishing deal regardless.

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Buy less choose well

My name is Suus and I’m a shopaholic. While I do my groceries completely organically, eat organically, make my own cleaning products, and write plenty of articles to inspire others to do the same, I do also order clothes at H&M at least once a month and also get my clothes at other fast fashion stores. I also order environment friendly clothes online, but I tend to do this alongside everything else. So, that’s my shopping addiction. It’s the final obstacle on my way to live environmentally friendly. Or, to be more specific, the final obstacle is the little voice in my head that keeps telling me that other people and the environment suffer under my shopping habits.

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Less waste

Ik vind het best nog wel eens lastig om de juiste keuze te maken met wat koop ik wel en niet. Zo eet ik nu bijna volledig biologisch en gebruik ik zeepbars en eco friendly schoonmaakmiddelen maar ik koop nog wel bij H&M en ik ben erg blij met mijn adidas schoenen want die hebben namelijk een tijgerprint en ik ben natuurlijk wel een aanhanger van de Nel Veerkamp-printjes.
Maar weet je alle kleine beetjes helpen en als jij vindt dat dit onzin is dan weet ik dat ik alleen invloed heb op mezelf en dat daar alles begint.

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