Posts tagged receptuur
Chemistry of baking part two Milk

This second part of ‘The Chemistry of Baking’ is about milk. What is the function of milk? How does cow milk differ from alternatives, like almond milk? The answer “cow milk comes from a cow” doesn’t really quite cover it, I’m afraid. How do you substitute butter milk and what is the function of fat?

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How to make a book part 5

What cook book nowadays doesn’t have its photography done by Simone and her team? And her team deserves a quick shout out, because Alex and Esmee are also simply amazing. But honestly, Simone has worked on a lot of Dutch cook books, and they were also the first ones to start giving workshops in food photography and styling. Keep in mind that they also have a great blog and their own cook book on top of that, so you can probably understand why I follow Simone’s work with so much pleasure and asked her for a couple of tips.

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